Write to your MP today to help fast-track grants being applied to the ZEB

Interested in the ZEB but waiting to see if the government starts offering grants for it (i.e. for it to be included in the Boiler Upgrade Scheme)? Why not make a request to your MP that the ZEB is included in government funding options using our templated letter below. Follow these few simple steps:

  1. Copy the wording from the template letter here, or copy the wording from the letter below, and paste it into an email.
  2. Find your MP – this website will tell you how to address your MP (e.g. Sir John) and the email address to send your letter to.
  3. Fill in the yellow sections of the letter. Make sure you include your home address and remove the yellow placeholder formatting.
  4. Email it to your MP

Templated letter copy below – update the sections in bold.


I am writing to you as a constituent who wishes to make their home more energy efficient and contribute to our country’s efforts in reducing its carbon emissions.

I am currently looking at a number of options to decarbonise my home heating system, but [haven’t space for a heat pump / my heating system is not suitable for a heat pump / am not convinced a heat pump would be suitable for my home].

There are other heating alternatives available, such as heat batteries, which charge at off-peak times using cheaper, cleaner electricity, and store energy as heat to warm the home when the thermostat calls for heat. Heat batteries require no modifications to my home and offer similar running costs to a heat pump. A heat battery requires no outdoor space and works in the same way as my current [gas / oil / electric boiler] set up. Additionally, heat batteries will help the electricity grid to decarbonise by providing flexibility to use excess renewable energy and reduce peak electricity demand.

However a heat battery, such as tepeo’s ZEB, which I would very much like installed in my home, simply is not attainable financially for me at the moment.

Unlike heat pumps, heat batteries for central heating do not qualify for VAT relief and are not considered in scope of current schemes such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. Therefore, despite electric heating systems like tepeo’s ZEB offering a credible alternative for households like mine that [do not want / are not suitable for a heat pump], they are currently unaffordable for the majority of households under Government rules.

I therefore ask that you consider raising this issue as you go about your parliamentary duties and encourage the new Government to expand the currently narrow list of measures available for VAT relief, and subsidy support, so that I am able to reduce my home’s carbon emissions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,



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